The Praise of God's Justice
The Justice of God
Revelation 19
“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God Because His Judgments are true and righteous.”
Of all the attributes that God manifests, the one we struggle with the most is His justice. A loving God who cares and responds to our needs is safe, a God we can approach without fear. But a just God who brings judgment on sin is not safe, and we approach Him with trepidation and fear. Thus, we sing of God’s mercy and love but rarely sing of His justice and wrath. However, in Chapter 19, we hear the residents of heaven singing a song of praise, not for His love and compassion, but His judgment.
To understand God’s justice, we must again affirm His holiness. Sin is a violation of not only the moral law He established when He created the universe, but it is a direct affront to God. All sin, no matter how minor or trivial to us, is a rejection of God and a refusal to submit to Him. In our sin, we are, in essence, rejecting God as the ruler of the universe and setting ourselves up to be God. We are usurping God’s position as the sovereign king of the universe. Sin, no matter how minor, is ultimately an act of insurrection against God.
Sin demands justice. However, justice can be perverted in two ways. The first is justifying and approving an act of evil. To allow sin to go unpunished is to endorse sin. The second is to pervert justice by condemning the innocent and righteous.
In this hymn of praise for the judgment of God and the call to praise Him, the basis is God’s judgment is faithful and righteous. In other words, God’s justice is always perfectly executed. God does not judge the innocent, nor does he overlook the guilty. In verse 1, the multitudes of heaven proclaim the praise of God for His salvation. God, being rich and mercy and forgiveness, provided a substitute so that the penalty of the guilt of our sin might be satisfied so that we might be declared righteous in His sight. This was accomplished through the death and resurrection of Christ. Christ satisfied the justice of God by taking upon Himself our guilt and suffering the punishment for our sins.
In verses 2-3, God’s justice is praised, for He executes righteous judgment upon those who have rejected Him. The great harlot is Satan and all those who rebelled against God and refused His offer of grace. While Satan, His demonic forces, and those who reject God’s offer of grace seek to usurp God’s sovereign reign, in the end, their insurrection and rebellion is thwarted. Despite their attempts to overthrow God, He remains on His throne (vs. 6). As the King of the universe, He will bring perfect and righteous judgment upon the earth.
Because God is righteous and just, He is to be feared and praised. The fear mentioned is not the fear of terror that causes one to flee but the fear that causes us to draw near to Him and seek His offer of grace. It is this fear that is the foundation for how we are to live life. In scripture, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 1:7). The fear of the Lord confronts us with our sin and leads us to recognize our need for grace. This is why it is so vital that we keep the justice of God in proper perspective. Without the awareness of His justice, we will not see our need for grace. In singing the praise of His judgment and righteousness, we discover the song of His grace. In your prayer and worship, praise God for His love and grace and praise Him for His justice and judgment. When we do, we are joining the anthem being sung in heaven.
Revelation 19
“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God Because His Judgments are true and righteous.”
Of all the attributes that God manifests, the one we struggle with the most is His justice. A loving God who cares and responds to our needs is safe, a God we can approach without fear. But a just God who brings judgment on sin is not safe, and we approach Him with trepidation and fear. Thus, we sing of God’s mercy and love but rarely sing of His justice and wrath. However, in Chapter 19, we hear the residents of heaven singing a song of praise, not for His love and compassion, but His judgment.
To understand God’s justice, we must again affirm His holiness. Sin is a violation of not only the moral law He established when He created the universe, but it is a direct affront to God. All sin, no matter how minor or trivial to us, is a rejection of God and a refusal to submit to Him. In our sin, we are, in essence, rejecting God as the ruler of the universe and setting ourselves up to be God. We are usurping God’s position as the sovereign king of the universe. Sin, no matter how minor, is ultimately an act of insurrection against God.
Sin demands justice. However, justice can be perverted in two ways. The first is justifying and approving an act of evil. To allow sin to go unpunished is to endorse sin. The second is to pervert justice by condemning the innocent and righteous.
In this hymn of praise for the judgment of God and the call to praise Him, the basis is God’s judgment is faithful and righteous. In other words, God’s justice is always perfectly executed. God does not judge the innocent, nor does he overlook the guilty. In verse 1, the multitudes of heaven proclaim the praise of God for His salvation. God, being rich and mercy and forgiveness, provided a substitute so that the penalty of the guilt of our sin might be satisfied so that we might be declared righteous in His sight. This was accomplished through the death and resurrection of Christ. Christ satisfied the justice of God by taking upon Himself our guilt and suffering the punishment for our sins.
In verses 2-3, God’s justice is praised, for He executes righteous judgment upon those who have rejected Him. The great harlot is Satan and all those who rebelled against God and refused His offer of grace. While Satan, His demonic forces, and those who reject God’s offer of grace seek to usurp God’s sovereign reign, in the end, their insurrection and rebellion is thwarted. Despite their attempts to overthrow God, He remains on His throne (vs. 6). As the King of the universe, He will bring perfect and righteous judgment upon the earth.
Because God is righteous and just, He is to be feared and praised. The fear mentioned is not the fear of terror that causes one to flee but the fear that causes us to draw near to Him and seek His offer of grace. It is this fear that is the foundation for how we are to live life. In scripture, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 1:7). The fear of the Lord confronts us with our sin and leads us to recognize our need for grace. This is why it is so vital that we keep the justice of God in proper perspective. Without the awareness of His justice, we will not see our need for grace. In singing the praise of His judgment and righteousness, we discover the song of His grace. In your prayer and worship, praise God for His love and grace and praise Him for His justice and judgment. When we do, we are joining the anthem being sung in heaven.
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