The God who Controls History
The God Who Controls History
Rev. 1:4-8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
The book of Revelation is an enigma. The descriptive language and the focus on judgment make us both uncomfortable and confused. The more we study the book and read the multiple commentaries that have been written, the more confused we become. It seems as if no one can agree about the symbolism's meaning, especially the events' timing and sequence. However, the book begins with a declaration that “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near” (1:3). The book ends with a warning to those who either add to the text or disregard its warning (22:19). The message of the book is both to be celebrated as a source of joy and to be guarded and obeyed as a warning to embrace Christ’s salvation. However, in our understanding of the book, it is easy to lose the forest for the trees. In our confusion about the details, we fail to recognize the importance and hope of its overall message and the lessons it teaches us about the plan of God and his sovereign control of history.
Twice in verses 4-8, the phrase is repeated that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the one who is, and who was, and who is to come. This verse sets the book's theme and foundation and the basis for our joy and confidence in a chaotic world. To understand the book, the focus starts with God as the absolute ruler of the universe. The statement He is the Alpha and the Omega highlights that God is the one who transcends time. He was at the beginning of creation, and He is present at the end of Creation, and thus, He stands as sovereign over everything in between. He is the one who controls all things from start to finish, from first to last, and everything that happens in time. This is further emphasized in the following statement that He is and was and is. This reminds us that God is immutable. Throughout the passage of time, God is unchanging. He remains the same from eternity past to eternity future. Because He is unchanging, His plans and His purpose are unchanging. God is prior to all creation; He is the one who brought creation into existence, and He is the one who will bring about the consummation according to His purpose and plan.
The primary lesson of Revelation is that God is sovereign over humanity's affairs. From the beginning of creation, He has governed not only the events of the world but also their timing, from the garden to the final restoration of his kingdom.
This is why the book of Revelation is a blessing. It reminds us that the world will not continue in its broken state. There will come a time that he predetermined in eternity past when He will bring the conclusion of history by bringing judgment upon those who reject Him and salvation to those who embrace Him. Because He is in control, no matter how confusing the world may seem, no matter how volatile and unpredictable life becomes to us, God’s purpose and the timing of these events remain unchanged. The infinite and sovereign God already prescribes the end. Therefore, we can rest knowing that there is no uncertainty with God.
Rev. 1:4-8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
The book of Revelation is an enigma. The descriptive language and the focus on judgment make us both uncomfortable and confused. The more we study the book and read the multiple commentaries that have been written, the more confused we become. It seems as if no one can agree about the symbolism's meaning, especially the events' timing and sequence. However, the book begins with a declaration that “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near” (1:3). The book ends with a warning to those who either add to the text or disregard its warning (22:19). The message of the book is both to be celebrated as a source of joy and to be guarded and obeyed as a warning to embrace Christ’s salvation. However, in our understanding of the book, it is easy to lose the forest for the trees. In our confusion about the details, we fail to recognize the importance and hope of its overall message and the lessons it teaches us about the plan of God and his sovereign control of history.
Twice in verses 4-8, the phrase is repeated that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the one who is, and who was, and who is to come. This verse sets the book's theme and foundation and the basis for our joy and confidence in a chaotic world. To understand the book, the focus starts with God as the absolute ruler of the universe. The statement He is the Alpha and the Omega highlights that God is the one who transcends time. He was at the beginning of creation, and He is present at the end of Creation, and thus, He stands as sovereign over everything in between. He is the one who controls all things from start to finish, from first to last, and everything that happens in time. This is further emphasized in the following statement that He is and was and is. This reminds us that God is immutable. Throughout the passage of time, God is unchanging. He remains the same from eternity past to eternity future. Because He is unchanging, His plans and His purpose are unchanging. God is prior to all creation; He is the one who brought creation into existence, and He is the one who will bring about the consummation according to His purpose and plan.
The primary lesson of Revelation is that God is sovereign over humanity's affairs. From the beginning of creation, He has governed not only the events of the world but also their timing, from the garden to the final restoration of his kingdom.
This is why the book of Revelation is a blessing. It reminds us that the world will not continue in its broken state. There will come a time that he predetermined in eternity past when He will bring the conclusion of history by bringing judgment upon those who reject Him and salvation to those who embrace Him. Because He is in control, no matter how confusing the world may seem, no matter how volatile and unpredictable life becomes to us, God’s purpose and the timing of these events remain unchanged. The infinite and sovereign God already prescribes the end. Therefore, we can rest knowing that there is no uncertainty with God.
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