God's Patience and the Certainty of Judgment
God’s Patience and the Certainty of Judgment
2 Peter 3:1-9
“The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some count slowness, but is patient towards you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.”
Having warned of the dangers of false teachers, Peter now warns of their fate and the fate of those who follow them. In our understanding of the nature and being of God, we must recognize that He is not only a God of love, forbearance, and grace but also a God of holiness, righteousness, and justice. Those who overemphasize His holiness and righteousness to the exclusion of grace become judgmental and condemn people without offering grace. They are like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, who were self-righteous and quick to condemn anyone who did not meet their external standards. They condemn others while failing to see their own sin and need for salvation.
The second error is the failure to recognize the holiness and justice of God. These are teachers and preachers who say there is no hell or judgment and that everyone will get to heaven regardless of how they live. These are the false teachers that Peter is warning against. Instead of calling people to a life of holiness, they use the grace of God as a license for promoting sin. In 2:18, Peter describes them as individuals who deceive others by promoting fleshly and sensual desires. The word “sensuality” refers to the indulgence in sensual pleasure unrestrained by morality. We see the same teaching today throughout our culture as our culture encourages people to have the freedom to do what they desire by normalizing and rationalizing sexual sin.
Having warned of these false teachers, Peter now warns of the coming judgment of God. He begins by warning against false teachers who deny the future judgment of God. The fact that God has not brought any judgment upon sin, that heaven seems silent, is twisted to mean that there is no judgment. They deny that God judged in the past, and so they deny that God will bring judgment in the future. Life continues unabated from one generation to another. The only threat to humanity is from humanity itself. We control our own destiny. However, Peter warns that they fail to recognize that God did bring judgment in the past in the universal flood in the days of Noah when God destroyed the world because of sin. The only ones to escape were Noah and his family (2:4). He also brought judgment upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (2:6). The statement “The Lord is not slow about His promises” (verse 9) in this context is not referring to His promises of deliverance (although scripture elsewhere affirms the assurance he will fulfill all his promises), it is referring to the certainty of divine judgment. God’s patience should never be mistaken for complacency.
However, even as Peter warns us of the danger and certainty of God’s judgment, he also reminds us of God’s grace. The delay of judgment is not because God overlooks sin but because of His grace and desire for all people to turn to Him in repentance. Repentance involves seeing our actions from God’s perspective. Sin violates His moral law and righteousness, so we must turn from it and embrace the righteousness of His character. It is to surrender our life to Him so that instead of living to please ourselves, we now live to please Him. Even though God will bring judgment upon sin, He offers His grace and forgiveness if we accept it. The question then remains: are we going to accept this offer and embrace His forgiveness and seek to increasingly embrace His purpose for us: to reflect His character in all aspects of our life, conduct, and character?
2 Peter 3:1-9
“The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some count slowness, but is patient towards you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.”
Having warned of the dangers of false teachers, Peter now warns of their fate and the fate of those who follow them. In our understanding of the nature and being of God, we must recognize that He is not only a God of love, forbearance, and grace but also a God of holiness, righteousness, and justice. Those who overemphasize His holiness and righteousness to the exclusion of grace become judgmental and condemn people without offering grace. They are like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, who were self-righteous and quick to condemn anyone who did not meet their external standards. They condemn others while failing to see their own sin and need for salvation.
The second error is the failure to recognize the holiness and justice of God. These are teachers and preachers who say there is no hell or judgment and that everyone will get to heaven regardless of how they live. These are the false teachers that Peter is warning against. Instead of calling people to a life of holiness, they use the grace of God as a license for promoting sin. In 2:18, Peter describes them as individuals who deceive others by promoting fleshly and sensual desires. The word “sensuality” refers to the indulgence in sensual pleasure unrestrained by morality. We see the same teaching today throughout our culture as our culture encourages people to have the freedom to do what they desire by normalizing and rationalizing sexual sin.
Having warned of these false teachers, Peter now warns of the coming judgment of God. He begins by warning against false teachers who deny the future judgment of God. The fact that God has not brought any judgment upon sin, that heaven seems silent, is twisted to mean that there is no judgment. They deny that God judged in the past, and so they deny that God will bring judgment in the future. Life continues unabated from one generation to another. The only threat to humanity is from humanity itself. We control our own destiny. However, Peter warns that they fail to recognize that God did bring judgment in the past in the universal flood in the days of Noah when God destroyed the world because of sin. The only ones to escape were Noah and his family (2:4). He also brought judgment upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (2:6). The statement “The Lord is not slow about His promises” (verse 9) in this context is not referring to His promises of deliverance (although scripture elsewhere affirms the assurance he will fulfill all his promises), it is referring to the certainty of divine judgment. God’s patience should never be mistaken for complacency.
However, even as Peter warns us of the danger and certainty of God’s judgment, he also reminds us of God’s grace. The delay of judgment is not because God overlooks sin but because of His grace and desire for all people to turn to Him in repentance. Repentance involves seeing our actions from God’s perspective. Sin violates His moral law and righteousness, so we must turn from it and embrace the righteousness of His character. It is to surrender our life to Him so that instead of living to please ourselves, we now live to please Him. Even though God will bring judgment upon sin, He offers His grace and forgiveness if we accept it. The question then remains: are we going to accept this offer and embrace His forgiveness and seek to increasingly embrace His purpose for us: to reflect His character in all aspects of our life, conduct, and character?
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