The Source of Truth
Jesus is the Truth
John 8:31-38
“So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.”
In the last Century, we have witnessed multiple changes that have radically shifted the foundation of our society. At the start of the 20th century, the Industrial Revolution changed our country from an agrarian society to an industrial society. In the 60’s, the sexual revolution redefined morality. At the end of the 20th century, the country again experienced a major shift as the Information age dawned upon us with the rise of the internet. All this has led us to a radical shift that is occurring today. It is not just a change of morality but a change in how we think and understand what is true. We are now experiencing a radical shift in our definition of truth. Truth is no longer universal but personal, individual, and adaptable. Instead of asking, “What is truth?” we now ask, “What is truth to me?” The result is that our identity is now fluid and undefinable. However, rather than leading to a new sense of freedom, this quest for truth has led us down a road of personal enslavement as we become controlled by our sinful desires. We now see our society fractured and divided as differing factions conflict to define what is truth.
In John 8, the Jews were questioning Jesus and His claims to be God. The discussion pivoted upon the question, “What is truth?” They challenged Jesus and accused Him of having a false testimony about Himself and God (verse 13). In response, Jesus then affirms that He is the source of all truth, for He was sent by the Father, and He speaks only what the Father has taught Him (vs. 28-29).
In our quest to find truth, we must affirm that Jesus, as God, is always truthful. This means that He is who He claims to be. But it also means that He is truthful and everything he says is right. He is not just teaching what is true; He is the ultimate source of all truth. As Numbers 23:19 states, “God is not a man, that he should lie.” As God, Jesus is the source of truth; every word He says is true and correct. This stands in contrast to sinful humanity who are liars by nature. Paul writes in Romans 3:4, “Rather, let God be found true, though every man be found a liar.”
If we believe in our own lies and false beliefs, how do we discover freedom from what is false and determine what is true? Jesus provides the answer. Absolute, unadulterated truth comes from Christ. We know the truth by fully embracing Christ's teaching in its totality (vs. 31-32). His words are valid, and His message gives us freedom from our sinful nature that enslaves us (vs. 34). In the teaching of Christ and all of Scripture, we find genuine freedom. This freedom is not the ability to live as we please, for that leads to our enslavement to sin. Instead, this freedom is now the freedom to do what is right and enjoy life in its fullest sense by enjoying the life God designed us to live. Sin enslaves us to our sinful passions, but the words of Christ give us the freedom to rediscover God’s purpose for us: to reflect His image. If you desire to be free from the destruction of sin and its control on your life then delve deep into the teaching of Christ and ask Him to change your life. “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.”
John 8:31-38
“So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.”
In the last Century, we have witnessed multiple changes that have radically shifted the foundation of our society. At the start of the 20th century, the Industrial Revolution changed our country from an agrarian society to an industrial society. In the 60’s, the sexual revolution redefined morality. At the end of the 20th century, the country again experienced a major shift as the Information age dawned upon us with the rise of the internet. All this has led us to a radical shift that is occurring today. It is not just a change of morality but a change in how we think and understand what is true. We are now experiencing a radical shift in our definition of truth. Truth is no longer universal but personal, individual, and adaptable. Instead of asking, “What is truth?” we now ask, “What is truth to me?” The result is that our identity is now fluid and undefinable. However, rather than leading to a new sense of freedom, this quest for truth has led us down a road of personal enslavement as we become controlled by our sinful desires. We now see our society fractured and divided as differing factions conflict to define what is truth.
In John 8, the Jews were questioning Jesus and His claims to be God. The discussion pivoted upon the question, “What is truth?” They challenged Jesus and accused Him of having a false testimony about Himself and God (verse 13). In response, Jesus then affirms that He is the source of all truth, for He was sent by the Father, and He speaks only what the Father has taught Him (vs. 28-29).
In our quest to find truth, we must affirm that Jesus, as God, is always truthful. This means that He is who He claims to be. But it also means that He is truthful and everything he says is right. He is not just teaching what is true; He is the ultimate source of all truth. As Numbers 23:19 states, “God is not a man, that he should lie.” As God, Jesus is the source of truth; every word He says is true and correct. This stands in contrast to sinful humanity who are liars by nature. Paul writes in Romans 3:4, “Rather, let God be found true, though every man be found a liar.”
If we believe in our own lies and false beliefs, how do we discover freedom from what is false and determine what is true? Jesus provides the answer. Absolute, unadulterated truth comes from Christ. We know the truth by fully embracing Christ's teaching in its totality (vs. 31-32). His words are valid, and His message gives us freedom from our sinful nature that enslaves us (vs. 34). In the teaching of Christ and all of Scripture, we find genuine freedom. This freedom is not the ability to live as we please, for that leads to our enslavement to sin. Instead, this freedom is now the freedom to do what is right and enjoy life in its fullest sense by enjoying the life God designed us to live. Sin enslaves us to our sinful passions, but the words of Christ give us the freedom to rediscover God’s purpose for us: to reflect His image. If you desire to be free from the destruction of sin and its control on your life then delve deep into the teaching of Christ and ask Him to change your life. “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.”
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